"If you are thinking without writing, you only think that you are thinking"
- Leslie Lamport

This is my digital notebook. Why exactly does it exist and what is it about? I guess this is both an arena of self-reflection and a way to persist what seems worth persisting to me. My writing is mostly for myself. Maybe my kids will read it one day, or maybe an unknown stranger will find it insightful. I would be happy if my writing helps someone, but if it doesn't, that's fine too.

The topics in this notebook will range from notes on my professional occupation (which would be software engineering and machine learning) or my experiments with being an entrepreneur, to lessons learned from investing, to thoughts on being a parent, to childhood memories. I don't stick to a certain format, topic, nor even to only one language.

And since you are reading this: just have fun browsing through my latest posts! Or if you want to start at the beginning, check out my background story as I perceive it.