DRAFT - Where I come from
Hi, reader! I'm glad that you show interest in my story. Let's begin and see where it gets us.
My name is Dmitriy, I have a M.Sc. degree in Mathematics and I work as a freelance software engineer. I'm based in Germany, and that's all there is to my standard, brief introduction. That's boring though. We could dive a bit deeper. I'll start again.
I'm Dima, that's short for Dmitriy or Dmytro. I was born in 1991 in Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine. When I was 9, my family moved to Stuttgart in Southern Germany. I still live near Stuttgart with my wife, who is also from Kyiv and was my classmate in elementary school (and something like my secret crush😅). My native languages are Russian and Ukrainian, and I am also very comfortable with German and English. There was a time when I could string together more than two sentences in French, but that was long ago.
Elementary school was a near-traumatic, pedagogically questionable post-Soviet experience. I always did well, really well in retrospect, but it just never seemed to be good enough... I remember us sitting in class in the first grade, being shouted at by the teacher for I don't know what reason. I always hated going there.
DRAFT, to be continued...